Total has confirmed that Total Exploration & Production Nigeria, and its partner Conoil Producing Ltd, has discovered hydrocarbons in the central fraction of the Oil Mining Lease OML 136, offshore western Nigeria.
The Agge-3B.T1 well, aimed at exploring an undrilled compartment of the Agge structure, was located in a water depth of 140 mt and reached a total depth of 2,710 mt. The well found several gas bearing reservoirs totaling a gross thickness in excess of 150 mt. A production test performed over the lower intervals yielded a production of 21 million cubic feet of gas per day on a 36/64 choke. Total, is presently, conducting studies to assess further development options for the Agge-3B.T1 well, and intends to do so with all other new discoveries on the block.
Developing the country’s deep offshore resources is one of Total’s key aims. The development of the OML 138 Usan field, Total’s second development in deep offshore Nigeria, was launched in early 2008 and the field is expected to come on stream in 2012. The basic engineering studies of Egina field, located near Akpo on OML 130 are also underway.
To find out more about Total please visit Total’s web site, which you can find here.
For more news and expert analysis about Nigeria please see Nigeria Focus and Nigeria Politics & Security.
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